I welcome details and memories to expand coverage of the Lodge's patches.
w9fz (at) w9fz.com

Last Updated:

8 Nov 06
added Event Patches
and Section Conclave




Patches are just one colorful way to look at the history of the lodge. Numbering scheme is that of "Blue Book IV".

Patches like the lodge flap or the A, R, and X issues that preceeded the first flap, show belonging to the organization. In more modern years, patches have become a fundraising vehicle. As a result, new patches are produced more frequently and with more specific topics or time periods indicated. Generating additional issues, however, has a diminishing point of return.

Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak A, R, and X Issues

Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak S and F Issues

Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak J, P, and N Issues

Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak Chapter Issues

Wetassa #227 Issues

Wulapeju S and F Issues (through S-16)

Wulapeju S Issues (S-17 through S-41)

Wulapeju J Issues

Wulapeju C and X Issues

Wulapeju Chapter Issues

Event Items Through 1989

Event Items 1990 - 1995

Event Items 1996 - 2000

Event Items 2001 Through Present

Section 7-B and 7-C Conclave Patches

Section EC-3A Patches

Section C-3 and C-3B Patches