An Email reflector (listserve) concerning Reese AFB has been created to make discussions about Reese AFB easier. I expect message traffic to be quiet. Subscribing requires confirmation.
To Subscribe, send an email to: reeseafb-request@w9fz.com with the word subscribe in the body. No subject required. Then follow (reply) the instructions in the confirmation email that is sent you. Unsubscribing is also easy. If you want me to just manually "add" you, just email me. To submit a message to the reflector (subscribees only), just send a message to reeseafb@w9fz.com
A note about reflectors, they are quite particular that submitted messages must come from the address that was subscribed or else they bounce the mail. This is an anti-sp*m measure. Further, I will be aggressive about keeping sp*m out.